Tuesday, August 16, 2011

How VotersSpring Was Born

I originally chose Voters Union or American Spring as the name of this blog.

Voters Union should be the name of the third party which is evolving throughout the American political landscape. It represents the millions of dissatisfied voters who clearly see that one of the existing parties is bent on following policies detrimental to them, while the other seems incapable of representing their interests and in fact has appeared more than enough times to be in bed with the opposition and their interests--Wall Street, the banks, the insurance companies, the giant corporations. We need representatives in Washington who listen to the people first before mouthing off about what the people want. So often, their version of what the people want has nothing to do with what the people want as shown, for example, by current polling. Unfortunately, the name Voters Union was already taken.

American Spring was a favorite choice of mine since it is also becoming clearer by the day that American poor and middle class are facing the same challenges as those that inspired the Egyptian Spring and other Middle East springs as well as riots throughout Europe and England, namely the oppression of the banks, investors, and huge corporations who control economies around the world and are hell bent to widen the wealth gap between upper and all other classes and so to increase their power and control. Such a strategy has become apparent on the part of Republicans who say they are concerned with balancing the budget but clearly, by rejecting revenue increases, are interested only in starving government so that its functions including the hundreds of trillions of dollars in Social Security and Medicare will go to the corporations, the banks, the insurance companies and Wall Street who in turn will take trillions upon trillions of dollars. You think there is a wealth gap now? Just wait. The understanding by voters of what is actually happening to them will be the foundation of our American Spring. I wish that title were available for this blog.

That is how we arrived at VotersSpring, which was available and, I suppose, combines the focus of my original choices. The important thing is that our voices be raised to protect our futures and the futures of our children. Unfortunately, if things continue headed in the direction they are going, what should have been the American Spring might very well become its fall.

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